The month of March we will be studying animals: forest, zoo, and circus!
We will conclude the month with our "wind and how seeds travel" unit. We are focusing on the letters P & Q.

We have completed our annual developmental assessments.
We are excited about our student achievements and we have set goals in
the areas we can work on. 
Sophomores are strong in shapes, puzzles, and following directions. We are working on hands on bead stringing and using scissors with the Sophomores.
The Juniors are strong in catching, throwing, and prepositions. We are working on  more science concepts with the Juniors.
The Seniors are strong in memory and sentence structure. We are working on phonics and rhyming with our Seniors.
We love our hardworking students and we are proud that they are above expected levels in many areas!

3/3-3/7: Zoo animals. P
3/10-3/14: Forest animals. P
3/17-3/21: Circus & Circus animals. Q
3/24-3/28: Wind and how seeds travel. Q

Concept: Counting

Campus News