Happy New Year!!
Up and coming in January we will be discovering winter, ice, and snow; nutrition; planets & space; air, rain, & sunshine; and we will begin our transportation unit.
We have begun our annual developmental assessments.
We are excited to see our student achievements and set goals in areas we can work on.
Thank you to our families who have completed the Ages ans Stages Questionnaire. If you have not done so already please complete it at http://www.asqonline.com/family/ceca54
Getting a fresh start
12/30-01/03: Winter, ice, and snow. K
01/06-01/10: Nutrition. L
01/13-01/17: Planets and space. L
01/20-01/24: Air, rain, and sunshine. M
01/27-01/31: Transportation by land. M
Concept: Four food groups.